icono Boat Financing

Boat Financing

Every day there are more and more facilities to make the dream of owning your own boat a reality. One of the increasingly popular purchase options, both in the Spanish market and globally, is boat financing.

Financing the purchase of your pleasure boat offers two main benefits that stand out above the rest:

1.       The payment of the boat is divided into different installments, which avoids having to make a capital delivery in a single operation.

2.      The purchase becomes a monthly investment for nautical leisure, with the addition that instead of contracting nautical services or products you are the owner of your boat.

When we advise a client on their purchase project, we offer the possibility of making financing simulations to see which one best suits their needs. We work with a range of entities specialized in the nautical sector to offer you the financial product that best suits your purchase project, whether the acquisition is made as an individual or as a company.

Of course, each type of financing offers its own advantages, which is why we show you the two most popular products when buying a boat, so that you can start to identify which is the most convenient for you:

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Nautical Leasing

·         Nautical leasing is a rental contract where the owner of the boat is the financial company and you are the financial tenant until the last installment is fulfilled, at which time the ownership of the boat will pass to your name.

·         At the end of the contract there is an option to buy, which is normally exercised and ownership passes to the owner.

·         This is reserved for new or second-hand boats that are only a few years old.

·         In this option the initial contribution made is between 30% and 50% of the purchase value of the boat, while the rest can be financed from 3 to 12 years.

Nautical Credit

·         A nautical credit is a loan for the purchase of a boat. The owner of the boat is the borrower or shipowner from the very beginning.

·         In this case, the initial contribution can be up to a maximum of 70% of the purchase value of the boat.

To learn more about each of our products or resolve possible doubts that may have arisen during this reading, you can visit our FAQ page:Financing in the purchase of my new or used boat: Leasing or nautical credit?

You have doubts?

If you would like to have a personalized advice of a salesperson, please contact us to find out about all the advantages of each financial product and help you identify which one is best for you.

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What customers
of us.

Extremadament fàcil de manejar

Vaig tenir la sort d'adquirir una Flyer 9 Sundeck amb Hermanos Guasch. Des del primer contacte, el departament comercial va entendre les nostres necessitats i ens va assessorar de manera impecable. És una embarcació àgil, ràpida, extremadament fàcil de pilotar inclús per personas amb poca experiència com és el nostre cas. Impresiona tant l'habitabilitat a coberta per gaudir amb la família i els amics, com l'espai interior. Una embarcació totalment recomanable i una garantía comptar amb l'experiència d'Hermanos Guasch.



Flyer 9 SUNdeck

La importància de l'equip humà

Cada any venim des d'Uruguai a gaudir d'un tram del Mediterrani. Fa 10 anys que confiem amb Hermanos Guasch i, amb els seus vaixells, hem navegat per diversos països: Espanya, França, Itàlia, etc. El més important per nosaltres és l'equip humà que hi ha darrere, perquè sabem que ens ajudaran en qualsevol problema que tinguem.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1


La professionalitat de la Darya, la nostra comercial, va jugar un paper clau en aquesta important decisió. Estic plenament satisfet amb la meva tria i això ha estat possible gràcies a vosaltres. El procés de compra va ser fàcil i còmode. Aquest estiu ha estat inoblidable. Moltes gràcies pel vostre suport en aquesta etapa tan important de les nostres vides.

Aleksandr B.


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El millor concessionari Beneteau

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Flyer 8 SUNdeck

Nautical Services

In Hermanos Guasch we understand our work from a global perspective where we offer our customers a comprehensive service that goes from advice on the boat that best suits your needs, purchase and financing management, registration, storage and maintenance so that you only have to worry about enjoying it.

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