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Hnos. Guasch is celebrating an anniversary

30 years sailing with family

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Discover all Available Semi-new and Pre-owned Flyers

Beneteau Opportunities: We're Renewing Our Fleet!

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Discover the new model from Excess Catamarans

New catamaran: Excess 13!

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Discover the models of our shipyards at first hand

Come and visit our SHOWROOM!

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30 years sailing with family

Beneteau Opportunities: Pre-owned and Semi-new Outboard Motorboats

Excess 13: designed for sailing, created for living

Visit our Showroom at l'Hospitalet de l'Infant

Our Brands


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At Hermanos Guasch we have an intelligent Assistant to find your dream boat in just 4 questions.

Offers available

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Nautical Services

In Hermanos Guasch we understand our work from a global perspective where we offer our customers a comprehensive service that goes from advice on the boat that best suits your needs, purchase and financing management, registration, storage and maintenance so that you only have to worry about enjoying it.

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Hermanos Guasch

Our mission is to offer the best professional, efficient and effective service by implementing a system of continuous improvement. The continuous pursuit of excellence is our goal and our company culture.

Customer satisfaction is the main objective of Hermanos Guasch. We work by and for the customer, in a continuous search for excellence.


We are sailors, just like you

We share your passion for the sea. Your satisfaction is the purpose of our work.


We have a boat for you

Our commitment is a customized and direct service to offer you the boat that fits your needs.


Specialized team

Our continuous training program guarantees you a high-quality service. Excellence is our standard.


Guasch group is since 1994

at the service of recreational sailing. Our experience is your guarantee of solvency, seriousness and professionalism.


Wide range of boats

From leading brands in the world market. We have a portfolio of specialized suppliers offering you a total coverage in boats from 5 to 30 meters in length.


Integral service, wherever and whenever you need us

We will guide you and help you with all the necessary services for the complete enjoyment of your boat:
- Insurance
- Financing
- Maintenance
- Land and sea transportation
- Sales management
- Nautical management
- Nautical legal and tax consultancy
- Boarding service


Best after-sales service 2019

Being awarded with the best "Customer Service" of the year 2019 of the Beneteau worldwide network.


International experience, local performance

We are present in all the most prestigious international boat shows and fairs, providing all the solutions and innovations of the nautical sector to our clients.


Your satisfaction: our priority

Continuous digitalization of our systems and working processes, with updated digital management tools that allow us to interact with the nautical user to facilitate, improve and personalize the experience of each client.


Environmentally sustainable and committed

We are committed to:
- Our environment through an extensive program of CSR actions.
- The nautical sector through sponsorship programs for sailors and through programs for the dissemination and promotion of accessible sailing.
- The environment through the implementation of ISO 14001 protocols and the sustainable transformation of the company.
- The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda

Hermanos Guasch

Visit our exhibition

L'Hospitalet de l'Infant

How arrive

You can also come visit us at our offices at:

Image Oficina

Hermanos Guasch Headquarters

C/Gil Vernet, 35
43890 L’Hospitalet de l’Infant (Tarragona)

Horario de Atención al Cliente

From Monday to Friday: from 9 am to 7 pm
Saturdays: from 9.30 am to 13.30 pm

icono puerto

L'Hospitalet de l'Infant

+34 977 820 753
How to arrive
Image Oficina

Marina Cambrils

Passeig Marítim s/n
43850 Cambrils (Tarragona)

Horario de Atención al Cliente

Summer timetable (April – September):
From Monday to Sunday from 10am to 7pm
Winter timetable (October – March):
From Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm
Afternoons with appointment

Image Oficina

Port Ginesta

Local 807 Les Botigues de Sitges
08860 Sitges (Barcelona)

Horario de Atención al Cliente

From Monday to Friday: from 9 am to 6 pm
Saturdays: from 9.30 am to 13.30 pm If you wish to visit us, please make an appointment.

Image Oficina


Moll de la Marina, Local 14
08005 Barcelona (Barcelona)

Horario de Atención al Cliente

From Monday to Saturday:
from 10 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm

icono puerto

Port Olímpic de Barcelona

+34 977 820 753
How to arrive

Hermanos Guasch Frequently Asked Questions

Doubts about buying or selling a boat?



What customers
of us.

Confiança total

Tinc total confiança en el servei i el producte que ofereixen. Des de fa anys que la flota de xàrter de l'empresa que dirigeixo es basa exclusivament en embarcacions Beneteau comprades a Hermanos Guasch. A més a més, l'acompanyament i atenció rebut en la gestió de les assegurances és un plus que valorem moltíssim.

Toni S.


Flyer 9 SPACEdeck

La importància de l'equip humà

Cada any venim des d'Uruguai a gaudir d'un tram del Mediterrani. Fa 10 anys que confiem amb Hermanos Guasch i, amb els seus vaixells, hem navegat per diversos països: Espanya, França, Itàlia, etc. El més important per nosaltres és l'equip humà que hi ha darrere, perquè sabem que ens ajudaran en qualsevol problema que tinguem.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1

El millor concessionari Beneteau

Sens dubte el millor concessionari Beneteau d'Espanya, y per la meva feina en conec uns quants. Tenen les millors instal·lacions y a nivell personal també diría que són dels millors d'Espanya en servei, rapidesa y professionalitat.

Esther C.


Flyer 8 SUNdeck


La professionalitat de la Darya, la nostra comercial, va jugar un paper clau en aquesta important decisió. Estic plenament satisfet amb la meva tria i això ha estat possible gràcies a vosaltres. El procés de compra va ser fàcil i còmode. Aquest estiu ha estat inoblidable. Moltes gràcies pel vostre suport en aquesta etapa tan important de les nostres vides.

Aleksandr B.


Oceanis 34.1