icono Rental


1.   You want to navigate punctually

You would like a rental boat to sail in the Costa Brava, the Balearic Islands, Barcelona or the Costa Dorada. You fancy having fun, maybe renting the sailboat you have always dreamed of and sail at specific moments of the year. Details such as the purchase of a boat, maintenance, insurance and docking don't suit you. You prefer to simply sail when you feel like it with a new generation boat.

2.   Your holiday navigation program is different from the usual

Usually you sail with fewer people on board and do other kind of routes or activities, but this holiday the plan is different: you want to sail more days, further away or with more crew on board. You may also want to spend your days off in a destination far away from the port where you have your boat. If your boat is too small for the sailing programme of this holiday or if you want to discover new spots of the Mediterranean coastline, renting a boat can be your option.

3.   You prefer to try different models before you make a purchase

It is common to have doubts about which model will best suit the characteristics you are looking for, or even the other way around: to have doubts about the characteristics that the boat you want to buy should have. Renting different models and trying them out, going out to sea with them and spending a day giving them the use you want to give to your boat, will help you to really see what type of boat best fits your needs.

4.   You are interested in the “Shipowners Program”

You would like to own a boat, but you are not going to use it during certain times of the year and you have decided that the project that best suits your needs is a charter management programme : obtaining a revenue from your boat while you are not using it. This is an attractive option for owners who wish to minimise maintenance, docking and insurance costs during the months when they can't enjoy their boat.



What customers
of us.

El millor concessionari Beneteau

Sens dubte el millor concessionari Beneteau d'Espanya, y per la meva feina en conec uns quants. Tenen les millors instal·lacions y a nivell personal també diría que són dels millors d'Espanya en servei, rapidesa y professionalitat.

Esther C.


Flyer 8 SUNdeck

La importància de l'equip humà

Cada any venim des d'Uruguai a gaudir d'un tram del Mediterrani. Fa 10 anys que confiem amb Hermanos Guasch i, amb els seus vaixells, hem navegat per diversos països: Espanya, França, Itàlia, etc. El més important per nosaltres és l'equip humà que hi ha darrere, perquè sabem que ens ajudaran en qualsevol problema que tinguem.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1

Extremadament fàcil de manejar

Vaig tenir la sort d'adquirir una Flyer 9 Sundeck amb Hermanos Guasch. Des del primer contacte, el departament comercial va entendre les nostres necessitats i ens va assessorar de manera impecable. És una embarcació àgil, ràpida, extremadament fàcil de pilotar inclús per personas amb poca experiència com és el nostre cas. Impresiona tant l'habitabilitat a coberta per gaudir amb la família i els amics, com l'espai interior. Una embarcació totalment recomanable i una garantía comptar amb l'experiència d'Hermanos Guasch.



Flyer 9 SUNdeck

Completament satisfet

"El 2020 em van entregar el meu Menorquín 54 complint els plaços d'entrega tot i la pandemia. Gràcies al tracte personalitzat que ofereixen vaig poder gaudir de tot el procés de construcció en primera persona, sentint-me en tot moment part del projecte. Porto 3 temporades gaudint del Menorquín 54 i em sento plenament satisfet. És una embarcació robusta, de bon navegar i amb molta habitabilitat, cobrint totes les meves necessitats. En tot moment m'he sentit recolzat per l'equip humà d'Hermanos Guasch, persones professionals que busquen la plena satisfacció dels seus clients."

Ignacio E.


Menorquin 54 FB

Nautical Services

In Hermanos Guasch we understand our work from a global perspective where we offer our customers a comprehensive service that goes from advice on the boat that best suits your needs, purchase and financing management, registration, storage and maintenance so that you only have to worry about enjoying it.

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