Nautical Services

At Hermanos Guasch we understand our work from a global perspective where we offer our clients a
comprehensive service, from advice on the process of buying a boat to financing, registration, storage and maintenance so that all you have to worry about is enjoying it.






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Management of Boats Registration Procedures

Having all your boat's documentation in order and up to date is essential for your own peace of mind. If you ever have a legal contingency, you will be thankful that you have trusted an experienced nautical agency.

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Management of Insurance Claims

If you have contracted your boat insurance through Hermanos Guasch, all you have to do is call us and we will take care of everything. This comprehensive management of procedures, formalities, claims and repairs guarantees you a much more agile and practical process.

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Boat Financing

Every day there are more and more facilities to make the dream of owning your own boat a reality. One of the most widely used purchase option, both in the Spanish market and globally, is boat financing

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Sell your Boat

The easiest way to put your boat up for sale and find a buyer is to rely on a brokerage service. At Hermanos Guasch we can manage the sale of your boat by providing you with a complete team of professionals.

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Mechanical Workshop

It is very important to have your boat well maintained and set up by the mechanic workshop and the best way to obtain these results is by trusting an official technical service, whether it is a second-hand boat or a new one

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Winter Room and Pupilage

If you are not going to use your boat for several months, we recommend wintering it in the best conditions: dry and below deck. Our facilities have a safe space specially equipped for winter storage, sheltered from the weather conditions.

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Accessories and Spare Parts

In addition to the maintenance and repairs required for your boat, our technical service goes further and we offer you a wide range of equipment for your recreational boat.

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What customers
of us.

La importancia del equipo humano

Desde hace 10 años que confiamos en Hermanos Guasch y con sus barcos hemos navegado por diferentes países: España, Francia, Italia, etc. Lo más importante para nosotros es el equipo humano que hay detrás, porque sabemos que nos ayudaran con cualquier problema que tengamos.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1


La profesionalidad de Darya, nuestra comercial, jugó un papel clave en esta importante decisión. Estoy plenamente satisfecho con mi elección y esto ha sido posible gracias a ustedes. El proceso de compra fue fácil y cómodo. Este verano ha sido inolvidable. Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo profesional en esta etapa tan importante de nuestras vidas.

Aleksandr B.


Oceanis 34.1

Servicio 5 estrellas

Atención del personal de primer nivel, desde el primer contacto por email. Personal muy profesional, expertos, atento y trato amigable. Embarcación entregada el día establecido, completa hasta el último detalle y operación de entrega muy profesional y atenta. Servicio 5 estrellas en todo los aspectos.

Maurizio U.


Antares 8 OB

Extremadamente fácil de manejar

Tuve la suerte de adquirir una Flyer 9 Sundeck con Hermanos Guasch. Desde el primer contacto, el departamento comercial entendio nuestras necesidades y nos asesoro de forma impecable. Es una embarcacion agil, rapida, extramadamente facil de manejar incluso para personas con poca experiencia como es nuestro caso. Impresiona tanto la habitabilidad en cubierta para disfrutar de la familia y amigos, como el espacio interior. Una embarcacion totalmente recomendable y una garantia contar con la experiencia de Hermanos Guasch.



Flyer 9 SUNdeck

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