Hermanos Guasch

We help you find your dream boat and take care of its maintenance and repair. Passion for boating since 1994.

Welcome to


Hermanos Guasch

Rodolf Guasch

General Manager of Hermanos Guasch

"The day we decided to start in the nautical sector, we could not imagine where we would be almost 30 years later."

In 1986, Josep Maria Guasch started working in the nautical world as a mechanic and, when in 1994 he decided to start the adventure of setting up on his own, Eloi and Rodolf Guasch did not hesitate to help their brother to start this project.

Their passion for sailing, their desire to undertake together and their family essence, have made that after 3 decades working together, the Guasch Group has become a big family with a team of more than 30 professionals. 

Covering the entire coastline with presence in the provinces of Girona, Barcelona, Tarragona and Castellón, and in the Balearic Islands with offices in Palma de Mallorca. Consolidating this way, a company dedicated to bring the sailing closer to the sea lovers. 

"We are aware that the search for a boat involves large doses of illusion and, in Hermanos Guasch, we want to offer you a service that fulfills your expectations”

Our culture

Corporate culture is the compass that guides us and ensures that we are on the right course.


To provide comprehensive and personalized advice so that sailors can fully enjoy the sea, offering boats and services of the highest quality.


To become the nautical company of reference at national and international level, expanding our services to all sailors.

Our Values

The main mission of Hermanos Guasch is to offer the best professional, efficient and effective service, with complete advice and
a wide catalog of new and used boats. The implementation of a continuous improvement system allows
the business growth of Hermanos Guasch is reflected in the following principles:

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Satisfaction of our customers

The customer satisfaction as a pillar of all departments of the company.

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Passion for the sea

The passion for the sea, we are sailors like you.

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Excellence and continuous improvement

The excellence and continuous improvement thanks to a highly qualified and committed team.

Hermanos Guasch

Our mission is to offer the best professional, efficient and effective service by implementing a system of continuous improvement. The continuous pursuit of excellence is our goal and our company culture.

Customer satisfaction is the main objective of Hermanos Guasch. We work by and for the customer, in a continuous search for excellence.


We are sailors, just like you

We share your passion for the sea. Your satisfaction is the purpose of our work.


We have a boat for you

Our commitment is a customized and direct service to offer you the boat that fits your needs.


Specialized team

Our continuous training program guarantees you a high-quality service. Excellence is our standard.


Guasch group is since 1994

at the service of recreational sailing. Our experience is your guarantee of solvency, seriousness and professionalism.


Wide range of boats

From leading brands in the world market. We have a portfolio of specialized suppliers offering you a total coverage in boats from 5 to 30 meters in length.


Integral service, wherever and whenever you need us

We will guide you and help you with all the necessary services for the complete enjoyment of your boat:
- Insurance
- Financing
- Maintenance
- Land and sea transportation
- Sales management
- Nautical management
- Nautical legal and tax consultancy
- Boarding service


Best after-sales service 2019

Being awarded with the best "Customer Service" of the year 2019 of the Beneteau worldwide network.


International experience, local performance

We are present in all the most prestigious international boat shows and fairs, providing all the solutions and innovations of the nautical sector to our clients.


Your satisfaction: our priority

Continuous digitalization of our systems and working processes, with updated digital management tools that allow us to interact with the nautical user to facilitate, improve and personalize the experience of each client.


Environmentally sustainable and committed

We are committed to:
- Our environment through an extensive program of CSR actions.
- The nautical sector through sponsorship programs for sailors and through programs for the dissemination and promotion of accessible sailing.
- The environment through the implementation of ISO 14001 protocols and the sustainable transformation of the company.
- The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda

Our Team

Throughout all these years we have bet on one of the most important assets: a company formed by dynamic, highly specialized and experienced people in the nautical sector.

People committed to offering direct and personal attention to our clients; with technologically modern and adequate facilities and equipment to offer first class nautical services.

"You have to adapt in order to have the winds of change always in your favour".

Rodolf Guasch, General Manager of Hermanos Guasch

Our Team

Hermanos Guasch

Visit our exhibition

L'Hospitalet de l'Infant

How arrive
Image Oficina

Hermanos Guasch Headquarters

C/Gil Vernet, 35
43890 L’Hospitalet de l’Infant (Tarragona)

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+34 977 820 753
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Opending Hours

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How to arrive

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Image Oficina

Marina Cambrils

Passeig Marítim s/n
43850 Cambrils (Tarragona)

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+34 977 820 753
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Opending Hours

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How to arrive

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Image Oficina

Port Ginesta

Local 807 Les Botigues de Sitges
08860 Sitges (Barcelona)

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+34 977 820 753
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Opending Hours

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How to arrive

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Image Oficina


Moll de la Marina, Local 14
08005 Barcelona (Barcelona)

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+34 977 820 753
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Opending Hours

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How to arrive

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Work with Us

In Hermanos Guasch we clearly believe that our team is the essential factor that allows us to be at the same high level of the nautical services we offer. Therefore, our staff is our strength. We bet on training, growth and well-being as part of our company culture. 

We are committed to train and take care of our employees, in order to ensure their satisfaction as well as their professional and committed work. Building a team that enjoys doing what it does allows us to continue growing as a company and to venture into new projects. 

We are always open to incorporate talent into our team. Do you feel that you could fit our essence, our values and our business vision? If you do, do not hesitate to contact us, we would be delighted to meet you! 
You can also be part of the great Hermanos Guasch family!

"When you are passionate about your work, you start to enjoy it twice as much".

Rodolf Guasch, General Manager of Hermanos Guasch


You too can be part of the big Hermanos Guasch family!

Send us your CV in .PDF format.



What customers
of us.

El mejor concesionario Beneteau

Sin duda el mejor concesionario Beneteau de España, y por mi trabajo conozco unos cuantos. Tienen las mejores instalaciones, y a nivel personal también diría q son los mejores de España en servicio, rapidez y profesionalidad.

Esther C.


Flyer 8 SUNdeck

Servicio 5 estrellas

Atención del personal de primer nivel, desde el primer contacto por email. Personal muy profesional, expertos, atento y trato amigable. Embarcación entregada el día establecido, completa hasta el último detalle y operación de entrega muy profesional y atenta. Servicio 5 estrellas en todo los aspectos.

Maurizio U.


Antares 8 OB

Hacer realidad un sueño

"Difícil de explicar en pocas palabras, simplemente ellos son Hermanos Guasch con todo su equipo, atención al cliente, técnicos y sobre todo en el apartado comercial, quienes han conseguido hacer realidad un sueño. Ellos se encargaron de vender nuestro antiguo Menorquín 120, al mismo tiempo que adquirimos un Menorquín 42 Flybridge, estuvimos siempre acompañados del comercial, visitamos el astillero en Menorca en varias ocasiones, viendo nacer y crecer, el que meses más tarde sería nuestro actual barco. Han pasado dos años y seguimos confiando plenamente en ellos, cualquier duda, o problema, siempre nos es atendida con prontitud y eficacia, para nosotros, recomendables 100%."

Rossend S.


Menorquin 42 FB

La importancia del equipo humano

Desde hace 10 años que confiamos en Hermanos Guasch y con sus barcos hemos navegado por diferentes países: España, Francia, Italia, etc. Lo más importante para nosotros es el equipo humano que hay detrás, porque sabemos que nos ayudaran con cualquier problema que tengamos.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1