icono Management of Insurance Claims

Management of Insurance Claims

You have just suffered a minor or major incident with your boat, you have been "stranded" in the middle of the sea or simply someone on board your boat has been hurt. What do you do? You will probably call your trusted garage or look for a garage near your location, you will have to contact a surveyor, look for the phone number that appears on your insurance policy and go through all the paperwork and more paperwork.

On the other hand, if you have taken out your boat insurance through Hermanos Guasch, all you have to do is call us and we will take care of everything. You forget about the process and focus on what matters most: your wellbeing and that of your loved ones. This comprehensive management of procedures, formalities, claims and repairs guarantees you a much more agile and practical process.

Feeling safe at sea is one of the most important considerations for all sailors, both for the most experienced and for those who are new to sailing. In the event of a claim or any unwanted unforeseen event, being able to resolve the situation with a single call to your insurance broker is priceless.

We offer you a wide range of insurance policies for all types of boats thanks to MAPFRE, the company for which we are agents. From alternatives with the basic requirements demanded by law, insurance with more comprehensive cover and even fully comprehensive options, with or without excess. Check in detail the different types of cover that exist in the Insurance of a recreational boat and some advices before contracting it.

Whether you buy one of Our boats or not, we offer you the insurance for your boat that best suits your needs. We will adapt your proposition according to the boat, whether it is an inflatable, a monohull sailboat, a motor sports boat or a catamaran.

Need help?

Contact us and we will help you find the best policy for you.

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What customers
of us.

Confiança total

Tinc total confiança en el servei i el producte que ofereixen. Des de fa anys que la flota de xàrter de l'empresa que dirigeixo es basa exclusivament en embarcacions Beneteau comprades a Hermanos Guasch. A més a més, l'acompanyament i atenció rebut en la gestió de les assegurances és un plus que valorem moltíssim.

Toni S.


Flyer 9 SPACEdeck

Extremadament fàcil de manejar

Vaig tenir la sort d'adquirir una Flyer 9 Sundeck amb Hermanos Guasch. Des del primer contacte, el departament comercial va entendre les nostres necessitats i ens va assessorar de manera impecable. És una embarcació àgil, ràpida, extremadament fàcil de pilotar inclús per personas amb poca experiència com és el nostre cas. Impresiona tant l'habitabilitat a coberta per gaudir amb la família i els amics, com l'espai interior. Una embarcació totalment recomanable i una garantía comptar amb l'experiència d'Hermanos Guasch.



Flyer 9 SUNdeck

La importància de l'equip humà

Cada any venim des d'Uruguai a gaudir d'un tram del Mediterrani. Fa 10 anys que confiem amb Hermanos Guasch i, amb els seus vaixells, hem navegat per diversos països: Espanya, França, Itàlia, etc. El més important per nosaltres és l'equip humà que hi ha darrere, perquè sabem que ens ajudaran en qualsevol problema que tinguem.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1

Servei 5 estrelles

Atenció per part del personal de primer nivell, des del primer contacte per email. Personal molt professional, experts, atents i amb un tracte molt amigable. Embarcació entregada el dia establert, completa fins l'últim detall y operació d'entrega molt professional i atenta. Servei 5 estrelles en tots els aspectes.

Maurizio U.


Antares 8 OB

Nautical Services

In Hermanos Guasch we understand our work from a global perspective where we offer our customers a comprehensive service that goes from advice on the boat that best suits your needs, purchase and financing management, registration, storage and maintenance so that you only have to worry about enjoying it.

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