El ADN Excess en todo su esplendor, un catamarán de líneas elegantes y divertido de manejar. Este nuevo modelo y buque insignia de la marca francesa nace como culminación de toda la experiencia adquirida durante los últimos años. Un catamarán que llega para revolucionar el mercado náutico y llevar a Excess al siguiente nivel.
Tipo de embarcaciónCatamarán
Subtipo de embarcaciónVela
Eslora Total15.99 m
Eslora Casco13.34 m
Manga7.87 m
Calado Máximo 1.48 m
Desplazamiento en rosca18300.00 kg
Capacidad agua300 l
Capacidad combustible400 l
Número de motores2
Tipo de motorIntraborda
Tipo transmisiónSail Drive (Cola Velero)
Marca MotorYanmar
Motorización máxima2x57 CV
Certificación CECategoría A
Máximo de plazas20
Excess DNA in all its magnificence, a catamaran with elegant lines and fun to sail. It is the result of an innovative architecture, born from the collaboration with the VPLV transoceanic navigation expert studio, which goes out of the comfort zone to offer you more sensations than you could expect from a cruise ship.
This new model and flagship of the French brand was born as the culmination of all the experience gained in recent years. A catamaran that has come to revolutionize the nautical market and take Excess to the next level.
On the deck of this 14-meter boat, everything is designed for fun both during handling and in life on board and in the relationship with the sea.
The two steering stations located at the stern of the ship interact perfectly with the outside dining room, also leaving a very clean cockpit to facilitate movement in all directions, towards the main deck or forward through the wide side corridors.
The Excess 14 is a cruising catamaran that, in addition to giving strong sensations in navigation, offers comfort and habitability for life on board. With a cozy and bright interior, it maintains good volumes and height, which you can see in the comfortable and wide cabins, the bathrooms with separate showers and plenty of space for stowage.
In this 45-foot sailing catamaran you have the option to choose between the configurations of 3 cabins and 3 bathrooms or 4 cabins and 4 bathrooms, both with the shower separated from the bathroom, highlighting the transformer option that converts the dressing room from the owner's cabin in a cabin with two single beds.
· Skylounge: In the version with 4 cabins and 4 bathrooms, Excess includes the possibility of incorporating a lounge space on the roof, so practical that it does not compromise either the appearance or the sensations of navigation, since it is completely retracted and at the same time it is very easy to prepare.
· “The toy” with which you want to enjoy: With all the experience accumulated in the conception of the 3 predecessor models of the brand, this catamaran encompasses the Excess DNA in its entirety, offering you a boat to have a good time sailing, playing with the rigging and the precision of the double rudder and, in turn, making it as easy as possible for you to enjoy in good company in all its spaces and carrying out a thousand activities at the sea.
· Press Line: In the Pulse Line sail option, the sail surface is increased, offering a more optimized performance and, above all, much stronger sensations in navigation.
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