icono Winter Room and Pupilage

Winter Room and Pupilage

If you are not going to use your boat for several months, we recommend you to winter your boat in the best conditions: dry and below deck.

Our facilities located in L'Hospitalet de l'Infant (Tarragona) have a safe space specially equipped for winter storage, sheltered from the winter weather conditions.

During the cold months it is common to reduce the use of the boat and even stop using it, waiting for the arrival of good weather. Storing your boat dry out of the water prevents the saline load of the sea and other factors such as storms from damaging engines, batteries and, little by little, all the boat's equipment and systems.

When the weather improves it's time to get back out at sea, but if you've neglected your boat, you're likely to encounter setbacks, unexpected costs and operating problems that could easily have been avoided with a good pupilage and tuning of your boat during the period when you haven't been using it.

For shipowners who sail all year round, taking advantage of the conditions that the winter sea offers, it is important to winterise on the water, inspect the boat and carry out maintenance to ensure that it is in good condition all 365 days of the year. 

Why store your boat with us?

A winterized boat deteriorates less than if it is outdoors and therefore its depreciation is lower, that is why Hermanos Guasch guarantees you that:

·         The pupilage is located in our private warehouses, without public access.

·         The surveillance and security of your boat and your personal belongings is carried out 24 hours a day through video surveillance cameras.

·         The ship is under cover, completely protected from wind and storms.

·         It is possible to take advantage of this opportunity to winterise the engine and the boat beforehand.

·         Boat dehumidification improve the durability of the elements and the functionality of the systems.

You have doubts?

Contact us and request information on maintenance packages.

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What customers
of us.

Servei 5 estrelles

Atenció per part del personal de primer nivell, des del primer contacte per email. Personal molt professional, experts, atents i amb un tracte molt amigable. Embarcació entregada el dia establert, completa fins l'últim detall y operació d'entrega molt professional i atenta. Servei 5 estrelles en tots els aspectes.

Maurizio U.


Antares 8 OB

Confiança total

Tinc total confiança en el servei i el producte que ofereixen. Des de fa anys que la flota de xàrter de l'empresa que dirigeixo es basa exclusivament en embarcacions Beneteau comprades a Hermanos Guasch. A més a més, l'acompanyament i atenció rebut en la gestió de les assegurances és un plus que valorem moltíssim.

Toni S.


Flyer 9 SPACEdeck

La importància de l'equip humà

Cada any venim des d'Uruguai a gaudir d'un tram del Mediterrani. Fa 10 anys que confiem amb Hermanos Guasch i, amb els seus vaixells, hem navegat per diversos països: Espanya, França, Itàlia, etc. El més important per nosaltres és l'equip humà que hi ha darrere, perquè sabem que ens ajudaran en qualsevol problema que tinguem.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1


La professionalitat de la Darya, la nostra comercial, va jugar un paper clau en aquesta important decisió. Estic plenament satisfet amb la meva tria i això ha estat possible gràcies a vosaltres. El procés de compra va ser fàcil i còmode. Aquest estiu ha estat inoblidable. Moltes gràcies pel vostre suport en aquesta etapa tan important de les nostres vides.

Aleksandr B.


Oceanis 34.1

Nautical Services

In Hermanos Guasch we understand our work from a global perspective where we offer our customers a comprehensive service that goes from advice on the boat that best suits your needs, purchase and financing management, registration, storage and maintenance so that you only have to worry about enjoying it.

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