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Beneteau Flyer 9 SUNdeck

Deportiva y familiar a la vez, rápida y segura, esta day boat consigue un perfecto equilibrio entre accesibilidad y disfrute de la vida a bordo.

Icono Eslora

Eslora Casco

7.97 m

Icono Marca Motor

Marca Motor


Icono Potencia

Potencia Motor

2x250 CV

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Datos técnicos

Tipo de embarcaciónMotor fueraborda

Subtipo de embarcaciónOpen

Eslora Total9.10 m

Eslora Casco7.97 m

Manga2.99 m

Calado Máximo 0.90 m

Desplazamiento en rosca3350.00 kg

Capacidad agua100 l

Capacidad combustible400 l

Número de motores2

Tipo de motorFueraborda

Tipo transmisiónFueraborda


Marca MotorSUZUKI

Motorización máxima2x250 CV

Certificación CECategoría C

Máximo de plazas10

Premios de Beneteau Flyer 9 SUNdeck


Descarga la información sobre Beneteau Flyer 9 SUNdeck

Flyer 9 SUNdeck

Sporty and familiar at the same time, fast and safe, this day boat achieves a perfect balance between accessibility and enjoyment of life on board.

Thanks to the Air Step® technology exclusively applied to Beneteau hulls, it achieves smooth, stable and fast sailing, as it decreases the surface area in contact with the water and reduces its resistance.

Exterior design

The aft cockpit offers an outside lounge, with L-shaped table and bench, convertible into a sunbathing area. In addition, unfolding the side bathing platform creates an ideal area for sunbathing and easy access to the sea. The deck saloon is complemented by an outdoor galley with sink and drawer fridge.

The bow sundeck can accommodate 3 people lying comfortably, protected by a folding bimini. Its port side access is through a deep and wide passageway, preserving the style of its “big sister”, the Beneteau Flyer 10.

Beneteau also offers the option of incorporating a solid T-Top, resistant even in the toughest sailing conditions.

Interior design

This 9-meter has surprising spaciousness and interior features in its length, with a lounge convertible into a bed for two people, a second cabin also for two people, a kitchen cabinet with microwave, sink and refrigerator and a complete bathroom.

What we highlight

·        Cockpit depth: the height of the cockpit gunwale is higher than the average for this length, so depth is synonymous with safety.

·        4 people can sleep on board: after a day of fun, water sports and sunbathing, this day boat can accommodate 4 people for a comfortable night's sleep in two double beds.

·        2 galley spaces: its meticulous configuration allows it to offer an outdoor galley ready to prepare meals when needed, fully integrated with the rest of the cockpit, and an interior space with sink, fridge and microwave option to prepare a snack during the night or when you prefer to be below deck.

·        Less than 8 meters of fiscal length: with a hull length of 7.97 m, it is the longest Beneteau motorboat that can be piloted with the PNB and is exempt from Registration Tax.


European Power Boat of the Year 2021


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los clientes
de nosotros.

Extremely easy to navigate

I was lucky enough to purchase a Flyer 9 Sundeck with Hermanos Guasch. From the first contact, the sales department understood our needs and advised us impeccably. It is an agile boat, fast, extremely easy to handle even for people with little experience as in our case. It impresses both the habitability on deck to enjoy with family and friends, as well as the interior space. A totally recommendable boat and a guarantee to count on the experience of Hermanos Guasch.



Flyer 9 SUNdeck

Total trust

I have total reliability in the service and the product they offer. For years the charter fleet of the company I manage has been based exclusively on Beneteau boats purchased from Hermanos Guasch. In addition, the support and attention received in the insurance management is a plus that we value very much.

Toni S.


Flyer 9 SPACEdeck

The importance of human team

Every year we come from Uruguay to enjoy a stretch of the Mediterranean. For 10 years we have trust in Guasch brothers and with their ships we have sailed through different countries: Spain, France, Italy, etc. The most important thing for us is the human team behind, because we know that we will help us any problem we have.

Gonzalo y Jackie


Oceanis 40.1

The best Beneteau dealership

Without a doubt, the best Beneteau dealer in Spain, and for my work I know a few. They have the best facilities, and on a personal level I would also say that they are the best in Spain in service, speed and professionalism.

Esther C.


Flyer 8 SUNdeck